A. Error messages

All messages from gsecraif are sent to standard-error.  When the debug level is set to zero, which is the default, gesecraif produces no messages under normal circumstances.  Errors may occur that will prevent gesecraif from proceeding and if this happens an Error message is sent to standard-error (regardless of the debug level).  The error messages that might be produced, indicating that gsecraif can not proceed, are shown below.

Appendix Errors when splitting files

Error: Cannot open standard in.

When splitting a file, gsecraif reads from standard-in. This error indicates that unusual conditions have prevented gsecraif from opening standard-in (e.g the system has exceeded the maximum number of open files)

Error: Cannot open output file

Gsecraif cannot open one or more of the component files. The filename may be invalid (e.g. non-existent directory path) or the destination may not be writeable.

Appendix Errors when combining files

Error: Cannot open standard out.

When combining files, gsecraif sends the output to standard-out. This error indicates that unusual conditions have prevented gsecraif from opening standard-out (e.g the system has exceeded the maximum number of open files)

Error: multiple files can not be opened.

Because gsecraif uses XOR parity (RAID 5 technology), it can recover from at most one missing file. The error is show when gsecraif failed to open two or more component files.

Error: File format of one or more component files is incorrect.

Each component file has a defined structure, this error indicates that one or more component files are corrupt.

Error: One or more component files are corrupt.

This error occurs when gsecraif finishes reading one or more component files too soon; all component files should be the same size and end with a byte indicating the number of pad bytes used (if any).

Error: Bad pad byte, component file id: [compfileid] Pad value: [padbytes]

All component files should end with the same byte value indicating the number of pad bytes used. The error shows a component files with an inconistent number of pad bytes.

Error: Bad file format version.

The first byte of each component file is the file format version which should be 1 for this version of gsecraif. The error indicates that either the component file was created with a later version of gesecraif or is corrupt.

Error: Inconsistent number of component files.

All component files should agree on the number of component files; the error indicates that this is not the case for one or more component files.

Error: duplicate file id zero.

Each component files should have a unique id; the error shows that two or more files share the id 0.

Error: Duplicate file id.

The error shows that two or more files share the same id.

Error: Inconsistent rotation value.

All components should agree on the value of the rotation used; the error shows that one or more component files disagree on this value.